Materials Required
- Pipe cleaner
- Scissor
Step 1
Take two pipe cleaners one for making the ring and other for making the bow, here we have took pink for the bow and black for the ring

Step 2
Make a loop of the pipe cleaner by putting your two fingers.

Step 3
Twist the two ends after making the loop.

Step 4
Now roll each end of the pipe cleaner inside towards the ring.

Step 5
It should looks something like this.

Step 6
Take another pipe cleaner for making a bow and roll it over two fingers like so.

Step 7
Roll the pipe cleaner two times and the third time take the end and pass it through the center overlapping the first two rounds.

Step 8
Now put the bow in between the mickey mouse ears.

Step 9
Leave a short length of the pipe cleaner and cut the extra, roll that in between the ears.

Step 10
Stick it inside, behind the bow (you can also use glue if it isn’t sticking like this).

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And your Mickey mouse ring is ready, this ring is made to wear in two fingers although you can make it to fit into one finger as well, by making a small loop in the beginning. You must be a craft enthusiast! Join our Youtube FAM to receive new tutorials every WEEK.
You can also watch a video on how to make this amazing and yet easy to make mickey mouse ring, and to do so click on the banner given below.