Easy to make DIY Bow and Arrow from popsicle stick - VibhutiCrafts

Easy to make DIY Bow and Arrow from popsicle stick

Materials Required

Step 1

Arrange the popsicle sticks in such way and stick them on their positions (there are total 6 sticks used here) Make two of this.

Step 2

Take another popsicle stick and cut it into 2cm pieces.

Step 3

Stack 5 of them to make 1 stack and glue them together.

Step 4

Make 5 of those stacks and stick it on to the bow like shown in the image.

Step 5

Stick the other layer of bow over the stack

Step 6

It should look something like this, make sure it is glued properly.

Step 7

Take another popsicle stick and cut it into half.

Step 8

Stick those two pieces on the each end of the bow like shown in the picture.

Step 9

Take a long rubber band and cut it.

Step 10

Tie the rubber band ends on both sides of the bow.

Step 11

Take a skewer stick and cut the pointed edge.

Step 12

Now use the skewer stick as the arrow. And you have your own DIY Bow and Arrow ready.

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To watch full video tutorial on how to make your own DIY Bow and Arrow, Click on the banner given below.

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