Easy and creative DIY Stamp made from Foam sheet - VibhutiCrafts

Easy and creative DIY Stamp made from Foam sheet

Materials Required



Step 1

Draw any design on a foam sheet using a pen or pencil, make sure you have the border of the shape or design.

Step 2

Cut it carefully using a X-acto knife or cutter

Step 3

Take a piece of cardboard and cut it into a square to make the base.

Step 4

Now stick the Foam sheet design on to the cardboard to give it a strong base.

Step 5

Dip it into ink box or any other color such as acrylic.

Step 6

Paste it on the paper with slight pressure


And the DIY stamp is ready to use, you can make any kind of stamp, Here we have made an owl stamp, tortoise stamp, cactus stamp! Make yours and share it with us.

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If you want to watch the whole video on how to make DIY foam stamp , click on the video banner below

Make your own DIY foam stamps for kids! With just a few materials from the craft store, you can make these stamps easily and with just few supplies.
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